Click to WhatsApp conversion tracking

Learn how to track Click-to-WhatsApp messages and attribute conversion rates of WhatsApp messages.

Using 2Chat's WhatsApp widget on your website, you can start tracking conversations originating on your site that lead to a message on WhatsApp.

2Chat's widget saves the page being viewed and makes it available to you when you receive a message on WhatsApp, letting you track the page that was being viewed when your customer sent you a message.


To install it on your website, you can use 2Chat's code generator to produce the HTML code required to mount the widget. The process is straightforward and can be done even without technical knowledge or the assistance of a developer.

If you are using Google Tag Manager, WordPress, Bubble, or Squarespace, we have specific tutorials for these options. For other services, the process is similar and requires copying the generated HTML code into your site using the administrator tools they provide.

WhatsApp Message Tracking

Once the widget is installed, each time your customer starts a conversation using your new widget, you will receive the web page's URL as part of the message on WhatsApp and 2Chat. This will allow you to keep track of the source of the messages you are receiving and to determine the best-converting landing pages you have.

Click to WhatsApp
  • On the receiving end, you will see the page where your customer was when they clicked to message you.
Click to WhatsApp on the app
  • On 2Chat's side, you will see that same information plus any extra parameters WhatsApp shared with us.
Click to WhatsApp on 2Chat
Click to WhatsApp extra information available